5 Reasons To Replace Your Coffee Habit With Green Tea in 3


While many of us LOVE a great cup of coffee, a daily habit can really have an impact on your long term health, and your wallet.

While it’s not all bad news, we want to show you how swapping from two lattés per day across to two Green Tea in 3’s per day could make all the difference in reaching your long term goals.

1.CALORIES – 0 Calories / Serve
If you’re drinking two standard lattés per day, which works out to over 300 calories, that is over 100,000 calories per year!

No, this is not the end of the world, but if you’re feeling frustrated by not being able to lose those last few kilos to reach your healthy weight, then dropping the 300 calories/day may make all the difference in the long term.

For the record Green Tea in 3 Seconds contains 0 calories

2. ANTIOXIDANTS – Measured Dosage (265mg / serve)
While coffee contains antioxidants, no-one is really sure just how many are in each cup. The variables are huge and it pretty much comes down to a guessing game.

In comparison, we KNOW that every single serve of Green Tea in 3 contains 265mg of antioxidants. This is important because the health benefits are dose dependent… 2-3 serves per day is ideal :)

Take the guesswork out of your preventative health.

3. ENERGY – Sustained & Without the Jitters
YES, coffee can bring you a strong, sharp burst in energy, but it may surprise you to know that green tea has been shown to provide greater and longer lasting energy, without the “coffee jitters”.

Green tea has also demonstrated effectiveness in improved cognitive function and memory. Great for work!

4. CAFFEINE – Lower Caffeine (35mg / serve)
Green Tea in 3 Seconds has just 35mg caffeine per serve, and this caffeine works in conjunction with the antioxidants to make sure you’re getting the maximum health benefits available.

A standard latté has over twice the caffeine per serve than Green Tea in 3 Seconds. This is important if you have trouble sleeping, suffer from anxiety, or if you’re carrying excess weight.

5. MONEY – Around 1/4 The Price!
Money talks…
With a latté costing around $4.00 these days (that’s $8.00 for two!) this little coffee habit starts to add up.

Just think, if you swapped two lattés per day with two Green Tea in 3’s per day, for an entire year, you’d save over $2000! That’s a holiday by the beach!!

So if you’re working on saving up for something special, dropping a few extra kilos, or generally boosting your health and wellbeing, this simple switch could make all the difference to your body and your budget.